Camp Victory Lake Youth Video
Here is a video of some of the youth from Camp Victory Lake 2009
Aqui hay un video de los jovenes durante el Campamento Victory Lake 2009.
The Art of Managing Money
One day a church member who was single and had no children, came to me and said, “I need financial counseling. For years, I have struggled with financial problems, but so far, I have not found the courage to ask somebody for help. You are a treasurer. Please, help me!
How to Control Spending
Spending is a habit Does money burn a hole in your pocket? Does buyer’s remorse set in after you have spent your money? If this sounds familiar, how can you manage your spending so you can buy the things you need now and also save for the things you need in the future?
Stewardship: Living God’s Will
I was waiting for my car at a suburbia Ford dealer in Sydney, Australia, when a framed statement on the office wall caught my eye. The statement was an acronym of the word PLANS