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Entries in Ultimo Minuto-Last minute help (116)

When u carry a Bible, the devil gets a....

When u carry a Bible, the devil gets a headache.
When u open it, he collapses.
When he see's u reading it, he faint.
When he see's u living it, he flees.
And just when ur about 2 re-post this, he will try & discourage u.
I just defeated him. Like, Copy & paste this if ur in God's Army

5 "Tabus" en la Iglesia Adventista (opinion)

5 "Tabus" en la iglesia Adventista (opinion, en ningun orden)

1.  Musica (Conservadora, Progresiva, Tradicional.....)

2.  Mujeres Pastores

3.  Joyas

4.  Homosexualidad

5.  ¿¿¿¿(Comparte Tu Opinion)??? 

Vegan Black Bean Sweet Potato Chili

Chili Vegetariano de Frijoles Negro
Gracias a Tony @ Genesis129Project

4 Cosas Necesarias para Sobrevivir....4 Things Necessary for Survival

Seamos sinceros! :-)

GNYC YouthCast Latino

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