Un Enemigo Comparativo
Entonces Caifás, que era el sumo sacerdote de aquel año, les dijo: "Vosotros no sabéis nada, ni os dais cuenta de que conviene que un hombre muera por el pueblo, y no que toda la nación perezca". Juan 11:49, 50.
La noticia de la resurrección de Lázaro no demoró en llegar a oídos de los dirigentes Judíos de Jerusalén. Convocaron inmediatamente una reunión del Sanedrín, para decidir lo que debía hacerse. La mayoría de los sacerdotes eran saduceos y no creían en la resurrección de los muertos. Ahora se había puesto de manifiesto su ignorancia. Por otro lado, aunque los fariseos creían en la resurrección, estaban ansiosos de detener la influencia de Jesús. El milagro de la resurrección de Lázaro ahora unía a los fariseos y saduceos en su odio común por él.
Adventist lawyer appointed religious liaison for Obama administration
Adventist lawyer appointed religious liaison for Obama administration Office will engage faith communities in policy discussions , Washington, D.C., United States Elizabeth Lechleitner/ANN , Washington, D.C., United States Elizabeth Lechleitner/ANN
Superman's Cape
Faster than a speeding bullet, he can leap tall buildings with a single bound, he stops a locomotive with one arm--It’s Superman, comic world’s greatest super hero. The newspaper reporter, Clark Kent, in a moment of national crisis, can disappear into a phone booth and emerge in a spandex suit complete with a colorful cape. With his cape on, Clark Kent has tremendous hang time. I wonder if it would work for me? In this day of failed leaders and fallen heroes, there is a need for ordinary people to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways.
Dad's Money Sermon
He is so mad he can hardly see straight. This guy is red-in-the-face furious at the whole world. I’m talking about a little guy named Calvin, superhero of the cartoon strip, Calvin and Hobbes. Creator Bill Watterston, for a number of years, delightfully captured the thought processes of this wild little boy who had such a vivid imagination that he conjured up a reality tiger, Hobbes, out of a stuffed toy. But in this particular strip, Calvin is just fuming mad. When bedtime comes, he asks his dad, Why can’t I stay up late? You guys can! And there’s no answer. It’s not fair! He cries out to the world in general, his screaming mouth filling up the entire cartoon frame. Well, Dad casually clears his throat and says, The world isn’t fair, Calvin. The scowling rebel stalks off, shoulders sagging. I know, he admits, still spitting nails in his frustration. But why isn’t it ever unfair in my favor? It’s not fair
It’s Just Money Sermon
When rock star Tommy Lee was arrested for battering his sex symbol wife, Pamela Anderson, comedian Jay Leno commented on his TV show: Tommy Lee is a star, lives in Malibu (one of America’s most luxurious districts) and is married to Pamela Anderson. HELLO!, why is he unhappy?