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    Oracion de una Mujer Sabia

    ¡Señor! Enséñame a Esperar ¡Señor! Enséñame a Esperar Señor... Enséñame a esperar con paciencia y en tu presencia, que mi ansiedad y mi impaciencia no corte la marcha del tiempo... ¡Señor! Enséñame a Esperar Señor... Enséñame a esperar con paciencia y en tu presencia, que mi ansiedad y mi impaciencia no corte la marcha del tiempo... que nunca desespere mi inconsciencia ni mi sueños perezcan. Señor... Enséñame a controlar mi temperamento, enséñame a volar a favor del viento... que mi paciencia aprenda a esperar bajo tu gracia y tu promesa. Señor... Enséñame a ser frágil y madurar, sin desconfiar de el camino nuevo que tienes para mi... siempre dispuesta a mejorar, sin quejarme de la angustia y los sinsabores. Señor... Enséñame a ser humano, permíteme vivir paciente... que a cambio de quejarme de cada herida, me deleite sabiendo que llegaré a la meta. Señor... Enséñame a ser humilde sabiendo que es un don hermoso, que mi energía no sea compitiendo para ser aceptada por otros. Señor... Enséñame a esperar confiada, sabiendo que no he de fatigarme... Enséñame a recibir el mensaje revelado por ti y alcanzarlo. Señor... Enséñame a mantener tu propósito... que con alegría me sienta amada, sabiendo que con tu amor me has cuidado... y con tu bondad me has rodeado. Señor... Enséñame a no salir disparada y morirme fatigada, Padeciendo en mi camino sin llegar a lo que tú me has prometido. Autor: Flakkiss64 (Gaviotadelalba)

    10 Reglas para conservar a tu Esposo

    10 Reglas para conservar a tu Esposo 1. No a los sermones A las mujeres nos encanta el drama y los monólogos. Sí, esas conversaciones eternas con nuestra pareja como audiencia pasiva. Esos discursos de horas donde se repite el mismo argumento, una y otra vez. Nos quejamos por que él miro a otra mujer, por que no tendió la cama, por que llegó tarde, por que se le olvidó llamar o llamó tarde, porque no nos escucha, porque no nos entiende… En fin, por una lista interminable de motivos que aburren a cualquiera. 2. No limites su espacio Si te quejas porque mientras tú quisieras estar las 24 horas del día a su lado, él prefiere el partido de fútbol de los domingos; los programas deportivos, desde fórmula uno hasta la temporada regular de la NBA; y las noches de copas con los amigos...entonces tú eres el problema. El problema no está en que ellos necesiten su espacio, sino en que nosotras no. El peor error femenino es dejar que nuestro mundo gire alrededor de ellos y eliminar por completo nuestros sueños individuales. Recuerda qué hacías en tu tiempo libre cuanto estabas sola, y retoma esos planes que disfrutabas al máximo. Eso hará más feliz tu vida y la de él. No te anules, recuerda que hay momentos para estar en pareja y también para estar solo. 3. No lo intentes cambiar Si encontraste al hombre de tu vida, el príncipe soñado, el hombre que te hacer sentir feliz y completa, no intentes cambiarlo. Uno se enamora de las personas por lo que son, no porque sean perfectas. Si tu pareja necesita unos pequeños ajustes para estar “mejor” lo ideal es que, por doloroso que sea, lo dejes encontrar una persona que lo ame tal y como es, y así tu podrás hacer lo mismo. La diferencia es importante, no siempre se tiene que estar de acuerdo. Cada persona tiene un sueño de vida, y aunque existan metas comunes, no se puede imponer uno sobre otro. 4. No seas monótona Toma la iniciativa, rompe con la rutina diaria de vez en cuando y proponle nuevas aventuras. Desde irse de viaje a un lugar paradisíaco, ir a una exposición de fotografía, tomarse un café en un parque o innovar nuevas posturas o juegos en la cama. Cambia de ciudad, trabajo, el color de tu casa. Tómense un par de copas juntos, inventa un juego de rol y juégalo con él, recuerda el primer día o imagina que es el último y vívelo al máximo. 5. No seas intensa No lo llames cada 5 minutos. Es muy difícil mantener una relación cuando una persona depende de otra. Las mujeres tendemos a depender más que los hombres de nuestras parejas, ya sea económica o sentimentalmente. Haz un alto en tu vida y toma las riendas, eres capaz de conquistar tus propias metas, desde pagar el recibo de la luz o conducir hasta algún punto de la ciudad, hasta salir a divertirte o conseguir un trabajo que te guste. 6. No seas celosa Los celos son muestra de inseguridad. No es necesario andar de espía con tu pareja para asegurarte de su fidelidad. Si no es para ti, no abra seguimiento de ropa, e-mail, ni celular que valga. No controles cada uno de sus movimientos y miradas. Igual, aunque estés enamorada puedes apreciar la belleza a tu alrededor. Claro, en forma respetuosa y moderada. 7. No lo integres con tus amigas No lo presiones para que comparta tus planes femeninos. Si quieres ir a tomar un café con tu mejor amiga, cortarte el cabello o arreglarte las uñas, no lo lleves. No lo obligues a compartir contigo, y tus compañeras de trabajo, las últimas noticias sobre estrellas famosas, las mejores dietas y ejercicios, y lo último en moda. Si ellos no lo disfrutan como nosotras, ¡Pues que se lo pierdan! 8. No lo lleves de compras Ellos van directo por lo que están buscando. No lo invites a ir de compras, te dirá que todo te queda bien para salir rápido del asunto o que nada le gusta para que no compres nada. A la hora de comprar, es mejor que vayas sola. 9. No le preguntes qué le pasa No interrumpas su silencio, si está con la mente en otra cosa, déjalo en paz. No lo acoses con preguntas como ¿En qué piensas? o ¿Qué te pasa?. En la mayoría de los casos no le pasa nada o por lo menos no te lo dirá si lo presionas. 10. No lo hagas esperar Si hay algo que aburre a un hombre es esperar tres horas antes de salir de casa porque su pareja se demora mucho escogiendo la ropa adecuada y el maquíllate perfecto. Intenta ser más natural y elegir tú misma el atuendo apropiado. Táctica: Alista tu ropa y accesorios primero, báñate, vístete y no lo dejes entrar a la ducha hasta que termines de secar tu cabello. De esta manera, y con suerte, él sólo tendrá que esperar un poco. Que DIOS las bendiga¡

    Last minute programs and ideas for Adventist churches

    Hello we have developed a section for those of us that forget that we are in cahrge or assisting with the Sabbath school, or A.Y. program. So these are great programs and ideas for last minute, and i know we have all forgoten at some point.

    Ayudas y programas de ultimo minuto para la iglesia adventista

    Aqui tenemos una nueva seccion, de ayudas para directores de Sociedad de Jovenes y Escuela Sabatica, son programas faciles y rapidos de desarollar. Para cuando se nos olivide que tenemos que dirigir o participar. Yo se que a todos nos ha pasado.

    25 Secrets to a Great Marriage

    25 Secrets to a Great Marriage

    By Law Offices of Laurie Israel, Published:  April 08, 2008 As a practicing divorce attorney and divorce mediator, I’ve met a number of couples who would not be divorcing if they had received some good advice (and had remembered that advice) a few years or even months earlier. The following advice is based on my observations as a divorce attorney, a mediator/conflict resolver, and as an experienced, mature married person. 1. Think before you speak. People in marriages tend to have very “hot” buttons causing frequent arguments. One reason for this is that the boundaries that exist at the workplace or with friends and relatives do not exist in a marriage. Marital bickering can be lessened or mitigated if you wait before responding to something that has made you angry. If you think for even five seconds before you respond, the amount of martial bickering will be greatly reduced. It may be better to discuss the difficult issue on another day when the emotions are not so high. You can broach the topic (at that later time) by saying, “Dear, I have some unfinished business to discuss with you. May we discuss it now?” 2. Don’t give up. If you ask any married person, he or she will tell you that marriages wax and wane. There are good times, bad times, and even middle times. A marriage is viable if the good outweighs the bad, even by a little bit. Appreciate the good and try to let the bad roll off of you like water from a duck. The more you stick to it, the easier it will get and the more fondness and connection you will feel towards your spouse. You will also feel good about yourself, because you worked very hard to achieve something of value. 3. Give your marriage as much (if not more) focused attention than you give your hobbies. People spend huge amounts of time, money and effort on their off-work interests. But when a marriage is making them feel bad, everybody seems to “throw up their arms” and decide that it’s useless to try anymore. Actually, reading books on marriage, conflict resolution, and communication techniques will help your marriage. Getting your spouse to read them is even better, but not necessary, to being able to make huge positive changes in your marriage. 4. Treat your spouse better than you treat anyone else. Have you heard the expression “familiarity breeds contempt”? This seems to apply in marriages. As a result, the unfortunate truth is that people tend to treat their spouses worse than strangers. An example of this is the all-too-common behavior of treating the spouse (sometimes ever so subtly) with contempt. Who is this person you are married to now? And who was that wonderful, beautiful perfect person you married so many years ago? Believe it or not, it’s the same person. Remember those times and retrain yourself to view your spouse with the utmost respect and treat him or her accordingly. 5. Have separate interests. Make sure you have some private space and give your spouse some, too. Marriage entails a lot of togetherness, but just because you’re married, you don’t need to be joined at the hip. Make sure each of you has time away from the other with friends, family, or alone. Enjoy your separate interests. Having separate time and interests will help vitalize the marriage. 6. Foster and encourage your spouse’s dreams and goals. In a successful marriage, one spouse is happy for the other spouse’s successes. Good spouses foster the other in achieving their goals. Sometimes goals are scary and need to be carefully evaluated, such as a career change. Do the work together, so that each of you can become satisfied with your own life. Good spouses help each other make the most out of his or her life. 7. Find things you enjoy doing together. A marriage is a partnership. If you both have totally separate interests, you will eventually grow apart. Make time to pursue interests together. These leisure activities and interests will probably change over time. Find shared interests, pursuits, and enjoyment. But remember, you don’t need to share all interests. 8. Don’t think its greener on the other side. Most people who leave their marriages for someone else almost always find the same problems on the other side. Many realize where their first marriage went wrong, and how they (and their spouse) could have worked to fix it. With hindsight, many people regret not having worked things out in their first marriage. Remember, when you get divorced, you now have two problems – the problems in your marriage (that you did not solve) and the divorce. 9. Give each other a break. Don’t be overcritical of your spouse. Don’t carp all the time. The stark realization that comes after the wedding is that you are not the same person. But that’s not a bad thing. Try to appreciate your differences. Admittedly, this is hard to do, but try. It’s worth it. 10. Don’t sweat the little things. As in the world of work, it is important to have priorities. Spouses get angry when criticized over every little thing. Try to prioritize the important things that you want. Carefully pick your battles. Let the other stuff slide. Don’t be a nag and complain about every little thing. If you don’t like something, hold your tongue. Try to roll with the punches. 11. If your spouse loves something (like his/her mother, or football), try to find out why, and you’ll find you’ll love it too. Give credence and respect to your spouse’s judgment, interests, affinities, and opinions. If your spouse is drawn to certain people or things, there is probably a good reason. Ask your spouse to explain. It might open up a new world to you. 12. Compliment your spouse every day, at least once. This leads to a healthy relationship, and it is the right thing to do, because unless your spouse is a total slouch, he or she is doing many good things every day. Thank your spouse for all the wonderful things done for you and your family. Make sure your spouse knows that you appreciate his or her efforts. 13. Work hard with your spouse to create financial security. One of the beneficial effects of marriage is the creation of a strong economic joint venture. As your financial security builds up, it will be one of the things that allows you feel good about each other and the world. It will also be a measure of the good work you’ve both done during your marriage. Financial security is a good thing and provides the foundation of a happy life. 14. Be your spouse’s partner. Keep each other informed as to activities you are engaged in, including your work days and what you do at home. The time you spend separately outside in the world every day is very significant. Always talk to each other at the end of the day about how your respective days have been. Respect and show awareness of and curiosity about your spouse’s separate interests. 15. Always assume the best of your spouse. People have misunderstandings and miscommunications. This is true even of people who know each other very well, such as spouses. If your spouse’s actions displease you, wait a bit, and then try to find out the motivation. You might well find that the motivation was meant to be constructive and not negative, and that you may have made the wrong interpretation or assumptions about what was said or done. 16. Give your spouse a treat occasionally. Spouses have different things that make them feel good. If you know something that your spouse likes, give it to him or her sometimes, even if you don’t care for it. It can be a small thing: a trip to the movies, a ride to a place your spouse likes to go, or maybe a favorite food bought from the grocery store. Be generous to your spouse, even if it is not in your nature. 17. Don’t fight with your spouse about the kids. Disagreements about children can be very corrosive to a marriage. Have your discussions off-line so that your children do not know you disagree. Get professional help, if needed, as to how to coordinate and respect your different views. Don’t let your disagreements about your children destroy your marriage. 18. Don’t complain about your spouse to your friends and family. One complaint at a low time in your marriage will resonate with the listener long after the problem or the short-lived spat was resolved. Your family and friends will always see your spouse in the same bad light in which you saw your spouse during this period of conflict. If you need to talk with someone about your marriage, choose an independent professional. 19. Be faithful and do not have an affair. A couple that is unattractive (physically or otherwise) is actually really lucky in a marriage because outside forces will not be as strong. However, if you or your spouse is unlucky enough to be attractive, don’t take the bait. It never works out. If you can’t resist having an affair, end your marriage first. When you actually think about it, you’ll probably find that you can’t end your marriage and things will have gotten better. 20. Find ways to enrich your lives. Learn and do new things together. In good marriages the spouses are always changing, growing, and developing new interests. Make sure that some of these changes and new interests are shared jointly, so that you can spend good time together developing as people. 21. Spend time together with mutual friends. Outside friendships pursued by the couple jointly are very good for marital health. The outside friends can be single people or other couples. It does not matter. The important part is that you and your spouse share these friendships together. 22. Forgive each other. If you hold grudges, you’ll never get anywhere in marriage. Every spouse (even you!) makes mistakes and treats the other poorly at times. You must be able to forgive your spouse for the wrongs done to you and move on. Remember that the next time it may be you who needs to be forgiven. Marriage is very long. There are bound to be many bad things to happen between you. Do not hold onto these things. Forgive and move on. 23. Appreciate each other’s contributions to the marital venture. Marriages often fail because of perceived differences in the level of contribution of each party. Try to appreciate the other person’s contributions, whether they are financial or keeping the household together. Try not to impose your standards of how things should be accomplished on your spouse. Be appreciative of your spouse’s efforts at all times. 24. Be secure in the fact that marriage is forever. Marriage is a safe container for people to work out all of their personal issues. Because marriage does not end (except by death), a person can be secure in the knowledge that any mistakes, personality flaws, or misspoken words can be forgiven. There is something about the alchemy of two people with a “forever” commitment that helps people find peace and satisfaction in life. 25. Don’t think that marriage is easy. One of the little-known but most important paradoxes about marriage is that it is an incubator for self-growth and self-awareness. This is a surprise to many, because marriage is supposed to be about the other person, or about the couple, or about “love.” Take advantage of your chance to perfect your awareness and ability to enjoy life and relate well to other people. A good marriage will have this effect, and redound to your ability to function well in the world and live at your highest practical and spiritual level. Marriage is not easy. But it’s worth it. If you do all of these things, and if, before you break up, you wait at least as long as you have already been married for rough spots to work themselves out, you will have a long, happy marriage.
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