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    Your “Deleted” Facebook Photos Are Still Online o_O

    Your “Deleted” Facebook Photos Are Still Online

    When you delete a photo from Facebook you expect it to be deleted.



    Dissolved from existence.

    Not the case.

    Ars Technica has revealed that after three years, “deleted” Facebook photos are still online.


    Three Years Ago

    Three years ago, Ars brought this phenomenon to light, and after three years, nothing has changed.

    Back in 2009, it was found that “deleted” photos were still available via direct link. So, even though the photo was not available in a user’s photo album, the image still remained on Facebook’s servers and was easily accessible if you had the image link. I guess this is what’s in the fine print when you “accept the terms.”

    “The systems we used for photo storage a few years ago did not always delete images from content delivery networks in a reasonable period of time even though they were immediately removed from the site,” Facebook spokesperson Frederic Wolens told Ars via e-mail.

    He goes on to say,

    that photos remaining online are stuck in a legacy system that was apparently never operating properly, but said the company is working on a new system that will delete the photos in a mere month and a half. For really real this time.

    “Never operating properly?”


    The Fix

    But they’re going to fix it, right?

    Kind of.

    “We have been working hard to move our photo storage to newer systems which do ensure photos are fully deleted within 45 days of the removal request being received.”

    Yes, they will be deleted, but it can take 45 days.

    Note to Self

    Be careful what image you upload onto Facebook. It could take a while before the image is completely gone.

    This is nothing new, really, our digital footprints are not the easiest things to erase; and this is a good reminder for us as Christians the importance of living “above approach” in all areas of our lives.

    However, this does bring into question ownership and control. Who’s photo does it belong to, anyway? It may be your photo, but by uploading the content onto their server, you have handed over control.

    Note to self.

    [via Ars Technica ]

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