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    David and Goliath Bible Trivia Quiz

    David and Goliath Bible Trivia Quiz

    1) Who was David's dad?

    1. Saul
    2. Samuel
    3. Jesse
    4. Abimadab

    2) Who was Goliath with that went to make war with Israel?

    1. Philistines
    2. Jebusites
    3. Egyptians
    4. Hivites

    3) About how tall was Goliath?

    1. 10 feet
    2. 13 feet
    3. 15 feet
    4. 20 feet

    4) How many days did Goliath challenge Israel to send a man to fight him?

    1. 2 days
    2. 13 days
    3. 40 days
    4. 75 days

    5) In what book of the Bible is the story of David and Goliath?

    1. I Kings
    2. I Chronicles
    3. I Samuel
    4. Ezra

    6) Which one of these did David not take into battle?

    1. helmet
    2. staff
    3. five smooth stones
    4. shepherd's bag

    7) The armies that went to make war with Israel gathered together at Shochoh. Who did that land belong to?

    1. Judah
    2. Simeon
    3. Levi
    4. Reuben

    8) David was a _____?

    1. farmer
    2. man of war
    3. shepherd
    4. none of the above

    9) What did David use to kill Goliath?

    1. sword
    2. spear
    3. gun
    4. stone

    10) Where did David fatally wound Goliath?

    1. forehead
    2. chest
    3. arm
    4. leg

    11) Why was David, who was a youth, the one that went to fight Goliath?

    1. he was the best they had
    2. all the men of Israel were afraid of Goliath
    3. the men of Israel forced him to
    4. none of the above

    12) Before David killed Goliath, he also killed _____?

    1. lion
    2. bear
    3. both a and b
    4. none of the above

    13) It was because of David's _____ that God delivered Goliath into his hand.

    1. works
    2. obedience
    3. strength
    4. faith

    14) After David killed Goliath, what did he do?

    1. had a party
    2. worshipped God
    3. cut off Goliath's head
    4. ran to tell his dad the good news

    Answers to the David and Goliath Bible Trivia Quiz

    1. c Jesse I Samuel 17:12
    2. a Philistines I Samuel 17:4
    3. b 13 feet 1 cubit = 21 to 25 inches span = about 10 and a half inches
    4. c 40 days I Samuel 17:16
    5. c I Samuel I Samuel 17:1-58
    6. a helmet I Samuel 17:38-40
    7. a Judah I Samuel 17:1
    8. c shepherd I Samuel 16:11-13 and I Samuel 17:15 and 34
    9. d stone I Samuel 17:49
    10. a forehead I Samuel 17:49
    11. b the men of Israel were afraid of Goliath I Samuel 17:23-24 and 32-37
    12. c lion and a bear I Samuel 17:34-37
    13. d faith I Samuel 17:37 and 45-47
    14. c cut off Goliath's head I Samuel 17:51

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