ADHD in adults

What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most well-recognized childhood developmental problems. This condition is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. It is now known that these symptoms continue into adulthood for about 60% of children with ADHD. That translates into 4% of the US adult population, or 8 million adults. However, few adults are identified or treated for adult ADHD.
ADHD in adults
Adults with ADHD may have difficulty following directions, remembering information, concentrating, organizing tasks or completing work within time limits. If these difficulties are not managed appropriately, they can cause associated behavioral, emotional, social, vocational and academic problems.
Adult ADHD stats
- ADHD afflicts approximately 3% to 5% of school-age children and an estimated 60% of those will maintain the disorder into adulthood.
- Prevalence rates for ADHD in adults are not as well determined as rates for children, but fall in the 1% to 5% range.
- ADHD affects males at higher rate than females in childhood, but this ratio seems to even out by adulthood.
- Chronic lateness and forgetfulness.
- Anxiety
- Low self-esteem.
- Employment problems.
- Difficulty controlling anger.
- Impulsiveness.
- Substance abuse or addiction.
- Poor organization skills.
- Procrastination.
- Low frustration tolerance.
- Chronic boredom.
- Difficulty concentrating when reading.
- Mood swings.
- Depression
- Relationship problems.
- Had a history of poorer educational performance and were underachievers
- Had more frequent school disciplinary actions
- Had to repeat a grade
- Dropped out of school more often
- Change employers frequently and perform poorly
- Have had fewer occupational achievements, independent of psychiatric status
- Have a lower socioeconomic status.
- Have driving violations such as: be cited for speeding; have their licenses suspended; be involved in more crashes; rate themselves and others as using poorer driving habits.
- Use illegal substances more frequently.
- Smoke cigarettes.
- Self-report psychological maladjustment more often.
- Have more marital problems and multiple marriages.
- Have higher incidence of separation and divorce.
- A questionnaire to determine if the adult had ADHD in childhood.
- School report cards, if available, to look for comments about behavior problems, poor focus, lack of effort or underachievement relative to the student's potential.
- Discussion with the parents to determine any symptoms during childhood.
- A complete history from the adult with the symptoms. He or she may self report symptoms in childhood.
- The developmental history would be consistent with ADHD, including evidence of problems with peers, other delays such as bed wetting, school failure, suspensions, or special interventions such as sitting in front of the class, etc.
- A physical exam to rule out medical or neurological illness.
- An EEG, CT, or MRI.
- Psychoeducational testing (for example: IQ test, achievement testing) if a learning disability is suspected.
- Individual cognitive and behavioral therapy to enhance self-esteem.
- Relaxation training and stress management to reduce anxiety and stress.
- Behavioral coaching to teach the person strategies for organizing home and work activities.
- Job coaching or mentoring to support better working relationships and improve on-the-job performance.
- Family education and therapy.
- Take medications as directed. If you are taking any medications for ADHD or any other condition, be sure and take them exactly as prescribed. Missing a dose or taking two doses at once to catch up on missed doses can have negative consequences for you and others. If you are noticing side effects or other problems, speak to your health care provider as soon as possible.
- Organize yourself. Train yourself to become more organized. Make lists of daily tasks (be reasonable!) and strive to complete them. Use a daily planner, leave notes for yourself and set your alarm clock when you need to remember an appointment or other activity.
- Control impulsive behavior. If you have a tendency to do things you later regret, such as interrupting or getting angry at others, manage the impulse by counting to 10 while breathing slowly instead of acting out. Usually the impulse will pass as quickly as it appeared.
- Minimize distractions. Find ways to reduce the distractions throughout the day. If you find yourself being distracted by loud music or the television, turn it off or use earplugs. Move yourself to a quieter location or ask others to help reduce distractions.
- Find constructive outlets for excess energy. People with ADHD sometimes seem to have more nervous energy than others, and this hyperactivity needs to have an outlet of some sort. A hobby or other pastime can be helpful.
- Ask for help. We all need help from time to time and it is important to not be afraid to ask for it when you need it. If you are having disruptive thoughts or behaviors, ask a counselor if they have any techniques that might help control them.
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