Hello y bievenidos a TodoJoven... lo "todo" de los jovenes Hispanos Adventistas en New Enland y New York :-)
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Lo Ultimo en TodoJoven:
2do Congreso de Jovenes Adventistas

1er Congreso de Jovenes Adventistas

Mayo 24-25, 2015 se celebrara el 1er Congreso de Jovenes Adventistas hispanos de Northeastern Conference. Sera algo historico. TodoJoven estara alli!
No te lo piedas. Download el formulario de registracion aqui!
Nos vemos en Camp Victoty Lake.
GNYC Dia De Reconocimiento 2013

New Years Rockin-Gospel Eve 2013

New Years Rockin-Gospel Eve 2013
Monday, December 31, 2012 9:00pm
"A watchnight service is a late-night Christian church service. In many different Christian traditions, a watchnight service is held late on New Year's Eve, and ends after midnight. This provides the opportunity for Christians to review the year that has passed and make confession, and then prepare for the year ahead by praying and resolving. The services often include singing, praying, exhorting, and preaching"
Ephesus 7th Day Adventist Church
101 W 123rd St, New York, New York 10027-5511
GodEncounters 2013

GodEncounters 2013
Febrero 1-3, 2013
Camp Winnekeag