Bronx Area Praise & Prayer Summit
Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 12:29PM
tjadmin in Bronx Area Praise & Prayer Summit, Eventos, Federacion, Greater New York Conference, Youth

Bronx Area Praise & Prayer Summit
Saturday, October 1 · 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Victory SDA Church, 1271 Burke Avenue, Bronx, NY 10469
Created By
Sunilbe Rosario Siceron
More Info
This is the last Praise and Prayer Summit of 2011.
We will be praising the Lord through music, bible reading, testimony, skits, and prayer.

If you want to participate, please feel free to contact Suni at 917-689-1278.
Invite your friends and family.
Come out and let's praise His name together.



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