El Poder de la Conexion
Monday, July 25, 2011 at 8:00PM
tjadmin in Eventos, Musica, Sabado Joven, Southern New England Conference, The power of connection, TodoJoven, Youth, Youth Sabbath

Week of Evangelism
Theme: El Poder de la Conexion
The Power of the Connection

Hartford Spanish SDA Church
174 Russ st
Hartford, CT

Invited Speaker Sheldon Cooper will be speaking every night at 7:00PM and will end with a Youth Sabbath(Sabado Joven) on July 30th which will have a concert in the evening With Luis Ruiz and others. 

Please Join us and spread the word!
It will all be presented in English with a Spanish Translator




Article originally appeared on TodoJoven (http://www.todojoven.org/).
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