Pr. Jose Cortes Jr. New Atlantic Union Youth Ministries Director
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 5:54AM
tjadmin in Atlantic Union Youth Ministries, Greater New York Conference, Northeastern Conference, Pr. Jose Cortes Jr., Southern New England Conference, TodoJoven, Youth

Pr. Jose Cortes Jr. New Atlantic Union Youth Ministries Director
Statement on Becoming Atlantic Union Youth Director by Jose Cortes:

It is very exciting to dream about what God has in store when He calls. I know, for sure, that God has some awesome, dynamic, spiritual, and very fruitful thoughts in mind for the kids, youth, young adults, and adults of the historic and relevant Atlantic Union, the very place where the Adventist movement began. I always remember that it was youth of the Atlantic Union territory who launched this Adventist Church into the global movement it is today.
It will be hard for our family to leave Greater New York, where we have received so much love and spent eight and a half of the best years of our lives. Yet, we are excited about the opportunity to minister, to love and be loved, together with the Conference Youth Directors, Youth and Pathfinder Coordinators, Federations, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries Leaders in Bermuda, New York, Northern New England, Southern New England, Northeastern, and Greater New York.
Be assured you have a family that woke up this morning and prayed for you. We look forward to seeing you and ministering with you in Bermuda, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York.
We love you! Jose, Joanne, Jose III, & Joel Cortes

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